Introducing . . . Beltane Moon 3

The Wychazel studio pixies are delighted to announce the release of a brand new, freshly baked album – Beltane Moon 3. As the name would suggest, this is a sequel to a couple of earlier Beltane Moon albums and follows…

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New Release . . . "Harmonic Resonance"

The Wychazel studio pixies are celebrating the release of the first album of 2024 - “Harmonic Resonance”. As you might expect, their celebrations involve the usual late night tea-drinking sessions and some serious biscuit-dunking. Various potato based crispy products are…

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MG Music Award


After 58 published albums, any reasonable person might have thought that all of you long-suffering folks out there would have got thoroughly fed up with me but, strangely, it appears not. Two No.1 albums this year and now Father Christmas…

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MG Music Top 10 No.1 - October 2023

A thousand thanks to all of you wonderful folks out there who have been buying "A Brighter Dawn". Those lovely people at MG Music have told me that it is now No.1 in their latest website sales chart. A perfect…

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MG Music Top 10 No.1 - August 2023

A big bunch of thank-you's (with extra topping) to all of you folks, folkettes and happy hippies out there who have been buying my most recent album "The Temple of Hathor". Those lovely people at MG Music have just confirmed…

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Introducing . . . The Temple of Hathor

Hello Folks and Folkettes

The Wychazel studio pixies are celebrating the publication of another album: The Temple of Hathor.

As the title might suggest, this one is rich with strong flavours of the mystical Middle East. Inspired by the beliefs,…

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Introducing . . . Aurora


2023 is a milestone year for me because it marks 30 years since my first published album. I truly never expected my musical life to last for so long but, unbelievably, Aurora is my 56th album. Some very special…

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A blast from the past . . .

If you are younger than a certain age, still enjoying the blooms and excesses of youth, you could be forgiven for not being able to make any sense of this photo at all:-) It is an obsolete piece of musical…

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Pagan Priestess

The Wychazel studio pixies are pleased beyond measure to announce the release of another new album: Pagan Priestess. 

If you can move away from all of the anti-social tendencies, the excessive candle-burning and elaborate costumes depicted in various media productions…

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Wild Orchid

Wild Orchid contains a lot of new sounds made possible as a result of a major studio upgrade.

It had been nearly seven years since my last studio upgrade and, since that time, there have been huge advances in the…

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Introducing . . .

Introducing . . . my Rav Vast drum. This lovely instrument could perhaps be regarded as a younger cousin of the Hang Drum. I stumbled across it late last year while searching YouTube for tutorials to help me with my…

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May 2022

“Writer's Block” is an annoying affliction that tends to affect most people who work in creative professions from time to time. My recent encounter started back in January, somewhat ironically at the same time I took delivery of a new…

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A Pagan Land

Big thanks to all of you Happy Hippies and assorted Pagan People out there who have been buying "A Pagan Land". Those lovely folks at MG Music have just told me that it has come up at No.1 in their latest quarterly chart. YAYYY:-) Celebrations will, of course, involve some outrageously late tea-drinking sessions and several packets of HobNobs.

TAO - A Path of Peace

It is always nice to know when my music makes a good impression:-) One World Music Radio is well worth checking out if your musical tastes extend beyond the standard mainstream styles. My thanks to them for supporting my music and for keeping the dream alive:-)