On Pagan Shores

Introducing . . . “On Pagan Shores”. This is a little more lively than my usual style, with more emphasis on drumming patterns and musical influences from both Celtic and Gaelic sources. The album takes its inspiration from Norse myths and legends and incorporates various atmospheric effects to enhance the visualization aspects of stepping into an imaginary pagan world. 

The album started life back in February 2019 but suffered an unwelcome bout of the dreaded “writer's block” during its second track. This happens from time to time and is usually unexpected and always annoying. It is not always bad news because, during such times, any outstanding household tasks, DIY projects and normal life stuff tends to get done - or at least started. 

A timely quirk of fate arrived during the autumn in the form of an email advertising a new cinematic drum library and I was hooked straight after listening to the demos. It all sounded very pagan and primitive and was exactly the right kind of thing to breathe new life into the album. 

So . . . I hope all you lovely people and Happy Hippies out there (with or without Viking hats) are going to like “On Pagan Shores”. Thank you, as always, for your interest in my music:-)